The Top 5 Dating Tips for a Lasting Impression
At Love Life Academy, our Science-Based Dating and Relationship Coaches team is committed to making dating less stressful and our clients feel more confident. The way we do this is by sharing our top 5 dating tips for a lasting impression.
In this blog, we will cover some interesting dating tips, great topics to cover, and how to prepare for a successful date.
Tip #1 Prepping for Your Date
You want to be genuine and come off as being relaxed, comfortable, and engaging. Look for a warm and inviting venue with a cozy feel. Plan to go on a day when it’s less crowded so it’s more conducive to having more privacy to talk and hear each other.
We tend to feel more relaxed on our days off to primp and get ready for our date, which also sets the tone.
Tip #2 Feel Confident
Take pride in what you wear and take pride in what you wear from head to fingernails to toes! Remember- first impressions are very powerful! A first impression is so important to show your best version of yourself.
Play music while you’re getting ready for your date, that will give you energy and good upbeat vibes!
When you arrive at your date destination, you’ll feel energized, good about your appearance and have a positive attitude!
Tip #3 Conversation, With a Twist!
Hobbies and interests are popular topics to discuss. You can ask your date what they like to do now in their spare time, but follow it up with, what do they see themselves doing with a partner?
This can look very different for most people. This can open up the creative juices flowing and get them to paint the picture of what they envision themselves doing with someone special.
Many singles don’t do half as much as they would if they had a partner to share experiences with.
Also, talk about some things you’re currently passionate about, but add the things you’re excited to share with someone as well.
This is a more engaging way to find some commonality.
Be open to trying new experiences.
Tip #4 Always Bring Your Curiosity
It’s important to bring your curiosity to every date! It shows you’re interested in the other person. Too often, singles aren’t asking enough questions on their dates. They are commonly feeling like they don’t know what to talk about. So here are some good topics to ask on a first date:
- Have you always lived in this area, or if not, what brought you here?
- Where did you grow up?
- What do you do for a living?
- Do you enjoy it?
- How long have you been doing it?
- Ask if they have family in the area.
- Are friendships important to them?
- Do they have a pet?
- Ask about hobbies/interests they are open to sharing with a partner?
- What types of music do they enjoy listening to?
- Travel?
- Where have they been?
- Where are they hoping to visit still?
- Do they enjoy cooking, dining out?
- What types of food do they enjoy?
Tip #5 No spark? No problem!
First dates can be a bit awkward and connection can take some time. There usually isn’t a spark on a first date.
So, be open to a few dates to give each other a full opportunity to see the other sides of each other. Go into your dates thinking, “I’m just meeting a new friend”.
You’ll hopefully feel more comfortable the more you’re around each other and open up more. Keep first dates under 2 hours so as not to overshare or overwhelm the other person. Touch on your last relationship, but don’t dwell on it. Bring the conversation back to the now. Leave wanting to know more about each other.
Remember to lock in that second date within a week if possible so you’re starting to build on a connection. Have fun!
So in a nutshell, you want to feel presentable with a sharp outfit. Find a cozy quiet place to chat, ask good questions, make good eye contact, engage in conversation and find reasons to smile.
Most importantly, be yourself, be genuine and if you had a good time, tell your date and always consider a second date if the first date went okay.
It takes time for a connection to build, more often than not, so take your time and not shut it down after a first date as research has proven that couples who give people a few dates and make a concerted effort to get to know each other are better equipped to discern if this person is someone they want to continue getting to know or if they don’t see it going beyond maybe a friendship connection.
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